Thursday, October 3, 2013

The third time wasn't the charm we were hoping for...

Well we're not pregnant...

For some reason the third attempt not working is really taking a toll on me today.  Again, I kept telling myself not to get excited and that these things take time, but that is a hard thing to do! With so much love and positive vibes/thoughts/feelings/prayers around the conception of this baby, I was hoping we could just will it into existence :)

I think part of why it hurt so much today is this month there has seemed to be an explosion of pregnancy announcements in our life. Friends from college, people on Facebook, colleagues, and family are all sharing their great news and we just keep crossing our fingers that this will be the month.  I'm trying not to get too bitter and I know we're not alone in this struggle, but it's definitely getting harder to not be pregnant each month.

Alas, we'll continue trying until it does work and continue to tell ourselves that everything happens for a reason and maybe the timing wasn't right this month (after all Jennie didn't want to share her birthday month with our kid anyway).  Although now we will have to start going through the sperm donor profiles again because we only had 3 vials of the last guy's stuff.

Anyway, we're flying to Missouri this weekend to shoot a wedding so we'll have plenty of trip time to talk about our next steps.

Keep sending those positive thoughts up into the Universe and we love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh, that is too bad, we had our fingers crossed. Don't feel bad, most people have to try many times. No one gets pregnant on the first try, or the first 3. Especially without fertility treatments. Keep at it. If you run out of funds try another crowd funding or another CNN money article asking for donations. If you are bummed about finding a new donor try requesting more samples from the first guy. Most sperm banks will call the donor and ask for more vials many years after the fact. If the bank will not do this try posting on the Donor Sibling Registry, I see many requests like that there. With the info you have you can probably do some google searches and find the guy. Keep at it, you two will be great moms. Thanks for being so open and sharing your stories.
