Friday, April 17, 2015

Life is definitely more exciting with a two year old

Well Jennie and I are parenting again! We've had a wonderful two year old girl with us for about a week and a half.  We got the call for our placement right before we left town for Easter and luckily she could stay with another foster family temporarily until we returned.

Let me tell you, jumping from no baby to a two year old is a serious adjustment! The first week I kept saying I had 'mommy brain' because I couldn't seem to function at work or when people asked me direct questions.  My favorite was at chipotle--"do you want white or brown rice", " what?" I'm happy to report things are getting a bit better now.

We also had to jump right into to dealing with a sick kiddo, which breaks your heart. She was finishing up some antibiotics for a cough when she first got here, but it seemed as soon as she finished it her cough was back. So we spent Wednesday night up until 1am trying to soothe her and talking to the nurse on the Children's Hospital nurse line--thank God for that kind of resource. After a trip to urgent care, we're on a stronger antibiotic. I find myself being somewhat of a nervous new parent.  Jennie will tell you almost every night I say I'm going to go and make sure she's still breathing.

Everything else has seemed to fall into place. Our caseworker helped us figure out daycare pretty quickly, and we even bought a new to us car the first week she was here! Now Jennie and I can divide and conquer our busy schedule!

Two year olds are fabulous--and exhausting! She is full of energy and curiosity.  Her two favorite questions are "what are you doing?" and "why?". Over and over and over again. She is also in the stages of learning new skills and independence, so pretty much everything we do turns into a "no, I do!" situation and it's best to let her help in order to avoid a meltdown. She's a great eater and sleeper and super smart! She can sing her ABC's, count to 10, and knows pretty much all her colors. She loves the dogs and kitties, although I'm not too sure how fond they are of her loves/squeezes.

Jennie and I are super excited to have her around, even if there are still moments of not knowing what the hell we're doing ;) It's nice to be able to call my best friend and ask her mommy questions.  Of course we have no idea how long she'll be with us, but as always we'll enjoy the ride and give her love. Oh and also she pronounces Heather as Brodah (sounds like brother).  It's kind of amazingly cute.

On another note, we are still trying to get pregnant with our sperm donor. Jennie went and had a bunch of blood work and base level fertility testing done and everything looks better than typical, so no worries there.  We just have to keep at it. Hoping maybe that will work out in the next few months as well! In case people are wondering, if we get pregnant while we have a placement, we will still keep that placement.

Hope you're all doing well!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is wonderful that you two are fostering! Keep giving away love!
