Tuesday, February 23, 2016

3 months with a baby

Hard to believe that we've had a baby in our house for the last three months! Honestly the whole journey has been pretty smooth so far. We have to say that as far as babies go we seriously hit the jackpot. Our little guy is happy 99% of the time--smiling, laughing, growling. Really the only time he cries is if he's hungry or tired.

It's been pretty cool to see all of the development over the last three months. He's now 7 months old. Since moving in he's grown hair on the top of his head, gained almost 3 pounds, grown a few inches, and now has 1 tooth fully in and another that's just broken the surface. He's starting to engage so much more. He likes to grab anything that is within reach (including pulling out earrings) and has started to "talk" a lot more. At this point he's mostly saying "ba ba ba ba ba". He's also started pulling himself up into a standing position. He has pretty much preferred standing over sitting or laying since day one, but now he's really trying to get moving!  

He's also been eating solid food for a little over a month now, although really just over the last few weeks he's gotten onto more of a breakfast, lunch, dinner schedule.  He seems to prefer orange foods (sweet potatoes, carrots, peaches), he also loves bananas. Lately he's been loving the little puffs that he can pick up on his own. It's kind of funny to watch him get them into his hands and try so hard to get them into his mouth :)

We're still working on trying to get him to sleep for longer stretches at night. We've been working on getting him back to sleep without feeding him or picking him up too many times in the night. We've had mixed success. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep but other times he won't and so we have to feed him. We've had some nights where he's slept for 6 hour stretches which has been nice.

Overall, we've loved having this little nugget in the house and the addition feels like a natural part of our family. We're hoping that he gets to stay for a while.

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