Monday, May 6, 2013

Ovulation Predictor Kits

As we get further along in this process there is a lot to start thinking about! My current Googling involves looking at different ovulation predictor methods. There are a lot of ways to measure ovulation: measuring temperature, ovulation predictor test strips, fertility monitors, saliva monitors, and many others.

According to the doctor the ovulation predictor test strips are the best route to take. Seems to be pretty simple--just involves peeing on a strip and comparing the color of a line to the control line--can't be too complicated, right? I guess we should go and buy some tomorrow as well as buy some prenatal vitamins for Jennie to start taking! It's pretty exciting to think about all of this and the fact that this time next year we might be welcoming a little Baby Crate into the world.

Luckily, Jennie's ovulation/period cycle is a lot more regular than mine, so it should be easier to narrow down at least a window of when ovulation might be occurring. And then there is the question of how many times to try inseminating during each ovulation cycle.  Some sources recommend just once, others recommend twice, so we'll have to see what our provider recommends.

As far as doctor's go, we've been leaning more toward using a midwife for insemination. One of our friend's informed us that a midwife at Mountain Midwifery Center of Colorado is starting to perform inseminations. This is really exciting to us because we've always wanted to use a midwife and we thought at first we'd have to at least start at the office of a Reproductive Endocronologist before heading over to a midwife, but it looks like we'll be able to start there!  There are some unknowns as far as whether or not we can have the sperm from the bank sent straight to the Midwifery Center or if we need to have it sent to a local sperm bank for storage. 

On to our next adventure--buying the sperm! It seems like the donor we really like has gotten low on supply, so we may have to choose another one.


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