Monday, December 21, 2015

The transition from toddler hood

So to no ones surprise there are a lot of differences between toddlers and infants. Some are good and some are not so good.

Toddlers sleep 10-12 hours a night and take a good long nap at a predicted time.
Toddlers can play and color and talk and interact.
Our toddler was potty trained and before that didn't go through a TON of diapers.
Infants can't yell at you.
Infants are so tiny and cute!
Jennie and I can be affectionate without a toddler melting down and getting jealous.
With both a toddler and an infant you get to see them learn every minute of every day.
Our big dog is more fond of an infant than an unpredictable toddler.

Infants don't sleep through the night--although we've gotten some 5 hour stretches!
Infants go through a TON of diapers.
Our little one only takes short cat naps during the day and wants to be held while he's sleeping.
You have to do way more laundry.
You have to run the dishwasher a couple times a day for all the bottles.
Toddlers have huge meltdowns and scream and cry.
Our little dog is super jealous of all the time the baby gets held.
Infants spit up and slobber a ton.

We have decided overall that we prefer babies much more. It just seems much more natural to us and easier. If we have him with us into toddler hood we might feel differently :)

We did get a text from our previous little one's mom with a picture saying she was doing well so that was really special.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

We now have a 5 month old

So on the 12th our little one turned 5 months! Unfortunately we can't share the really cute photos with you, but we do have this one!

So far 5 months has been pretty exciting. Our guy is a little on the small side. He weighs 14 pounds and is 24.5" long. His weight is in the 10th-25th percentile and his length is in the 3rd percentile.

He loves to smile and laugh and play with his rings and oball. His hobbies include drooling, eating his bibs, and screeching like a raptor. We also got him this really awesome exersaucer/bouncer, but unfortunately his legs are a bit short for him to bounce yet, but he's trying. He's also starting to roll over to one side, although hasn't completely rolled over.  He can sit up with just a little bit of assistance.

Life is pretty wonderful in the Crate household!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Four Days Off

So turns out we were only off parenting duties for four days. Luckily Jennie and I took advantage and had several dates in our time off. We did a paint and sip wine class, went to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and had one of our favorite Red Box, popcorn, candy and soda dates at home.

Monday, November 23rd started out like any other day--although not really because I had a follow up with my specialist about my back to talk about next steps.  It seemed the only remaining option (other than sucking it up for who knows how long) was surgery. I was told they wouldn't be able to get me into surgery until January unless I took a spot that had just opened up on December 1st. So while at the office I was texting Jennie and sort of just took a leap of faith and hoped that we could figure it all out for me to have surgery December 1st. Jennie and I chatted over the phone on my way into the office after my appointment, trying to figure out the logistics involved in having surgery and what it would mean that I couldn't bend, twist, or lift anything more than 10-15 pounds for three weeks.  We knew walking our 90 lbs dog would be an issue and that we'd need some help. So I called my mom and sister in law to see if either of them could come down and help us out for a few days. It turned out that my sister in law could come from December 1st-5th which would be a huge help.  Once I started to feel somewhat settled with the idea of having surgery on December first and let my supervisor and employee know, I got a phone call from Housing and Human Services.

When I got the call telling me they had a placement available I was fully prepared to say no and that we were on a break until January. We had told them that unless there was an infant available we would wait until January to consider placements. Our caseworker had warned us that even though we said we were on a break they would still probably call us for an older child.  But then when the worker told me he was 4 months old my jaw almost hit the floor. So much went through my head. My initial thought was "yay! a baby!" and then I was like "wait, I just scheduled back surgery" and "are we ready for this so close to our last little one leaving?".  So I asked them to let me give Jennie a call and talk it through with her before we made a decision.  I tried to call Jennie several times and she wasn't answering so I was sending her texts to call me back.

When Jennie finally called me she was like "I don't know...are we emotionally ready." I'm pretty sure my response to every question was "but it's a baby!". I was also a bit freaked out and wondering what kinds of changes this was going to mean, but we decided that we would go ahead and accept the placement so I called them back. They asked when I could be home and so I told them to give me an hour so that I could get a car seat! Luckily we have a great network of other foster families to call upon. Within just a few hours we had a car seat, bottles, bibs, some toys and a carrier. We had a fair amount of clothing already that we had bought in anticipation of placements. He came with some formula, a few diapers, and a little bit of clothing so that helped too.

I had a few hours alone before Jennie got home from work and I just kept thinking "holy hell, there is a baby in my house." It was pretty amazing because really for the last few days I had been joking with Jennie that I wanted a baby for Christmas. Jennie didn't tell me this until she got home and saw the baby and instantly fell in love with him that she was SUPER freaked out for the last few hours. She didn't know what we were getting into, and honestly neither did I.

The first 48 hours were a bit of a blur. We had taken an infant care class and I had babysat some infants, but we were so engrossed in the land of toddler hood that we had a lot of adjustments. It was just before thanksgiving so that was a good thing because we had Thursday and Friday off of work, but also a challenge because we had a lot to figure out in just a few days--figuring out daycare, setting up a physical, getting all the baby supplies we needed. We also didn't know how long he would be with us because the first thing the agency had to do was to search for any family or friends who could foster him. We were having mixed feelings about this. Ultimately we thought it would be best for him to be with someone he knew, but also we sort of hope they wouldn't find anyone. Turns out they weren't able to locate anyone so they said we should expect to have him at least 3-6 months.

I can't really explain how it feels to have a baby dropped off at your house with only a couple hours notice--most people have at least 9 months to prepare.  We didn't know much except that he didn't have any medical needs and seemed healthy.  We didn't know what size diapers he wore, what kind of bottles he liked, if he used a pacifier, his sleep patterns, or really anything.  I remember asking the intake worker who dropped him off if she knew what size diaper he wore and she didn't, and then I was like "do you know how much he weighs?" and she didn't. So when we bought our first pack of diapers we guestimated, and were right! Turns out at his physical he weighed 14 lbs.

We are so thankful to all of our friends and networks who have supported us in lending or giving us so many awesome baby supplies--from clothes, to diapers, to bottles and more.

I'm happy to report that two weeks out from surgery I'm feeling pretty great. I think I did a bit too much in the first week with picking up the baby, but now have been taking it much easier. Unfortunately for Jennie that means she's had to get up in the middle of the night for feedings for the last two weeks. I was able to take on the last two nights because she wasn't feeling well. I did not realize how good I had it! I had done all the night shifts leading up to surgery because we knew I'd be out of commission, but sleeping through the night the last 13 days was awesome!