We are Jennie and Heather, newlyweds, fresh out of graduate school, and trying to navigate life in the ‘real world’.
We currently live in the snowiest city in the country (and sometimes it seems like the rainiest and cloudiest too), which has led us to feel like we’re just ‘biding our time’ until we can move on to something better. Sounds depressing, right??
So we are embracing a new mindset—a new way of thinking and doing—that brings us back to our roots at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College. While we both believe in our school’s motto, Vita Abundantior, or Life More Abundant, we have struggled to make this a reality. One of us (Jennie) has struggled more than the other. As a constant planner and dreamer, Jennie thrives living in the ‘future’, but as you can imagine, this can lead to missing out on the present, even a snowy and dreary one.
With this in mind, we are changing things up a bit. We’re changing the way we eat, the way we shop, the way we work, and the way we play. We’re opening up our minds, trying new things, and making a conscious effort to enjoy our time and each other.
We’ll be using this blog to share some of our projects, our discoveries, and any other adventures along the way that lead us to the ultimate goal of a Life More Abundant.
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