Crazy as it may sound, I have decided to enter the wedding photography business.
I have been interested in it for awhile now, and in the back of my mind I always said that being a wedding photographer would be a dream job. I just didn't think I would be talented enough to do it.
But then along came opportunity.
A few months ago, Heather's brother and his fiance asked me if I would do their photography as a wedding gift. I had been dubbed the 'unofficial' photographer for Heather's step-brother's wedding last summer, though at the last minute, a long lost uncle who happened to be a professional photographer showed up and I was relegated to backseat photography. I think I came out with some good shots, but I wasn't the front and center photographer and I was using borrowed, slightly older, equipment.
Nevertheless, I guess it put me on the radar for Heather's brother, and I was only too happy (though extremely nervous!) to accept the challenge.
I wanted to do a really good job for them so I did my research--I read blogs on wedding photography, browsed galleries of professionals, checked out books from the library, even invested in a Digital SLR of my own (which we were going to get at some point anyway), and practiced, practiced, practiced.
The day of the wedding I was nervous, but once I jumped in and started shooting the time just went so fast. I had so much fun! Composing shots, suggesting poses, snapping moments from the middle of the action, and looking for photo opportunities around every bend. I know I still have a lot to learn and I know I made a few mistakes because I'm not not on auto pilot yet when it comes to exposure techniques, but I was pleased (and maybe a little bit surprised) with the results of my photos.
Since the wedding I have been editing in my spare time and I am really happy with the final results. I hope the happy couple will be too!
Which leads me to the business aspect of the venture. Because I had so much fun during every step of the process (planning, shooting, editing), I really started to think that maybe I could do this as a profession. It will have to start as a part time side job for awhile and I know it will be awhile before I make much income from it, but I could see myself being happy shooting weddings for years to come.
I finished the editing process on the pictures yesterday and since I wanted to post some on this blog, I figured I better come up with a name and a logo that I could put on the photos before posting. Heather and I spent the last weekend brainstorming names, and then I spent a couple of days googling our ideas to see if they were already taken in the photography business. Crazily almost every single idea we had was already in use, so it either means I'm not very creative or I'm on the same wavelength as a lot of artists out there. Which might be a good sign :)
In the end, I chose Green Blossom Photography, which I designed a logo for today. I also purchased the domain name so no one else can use it in the future. Since I don't have a website yet, the name is just living in cyberland, but I wanted to jump in before someone else snatched it up. The website, blog, facebook page, etc. will all come in time.
I'm just staring out and have a long way to go but I am so looking forward to this new adventure.
So welcome Green Blossom Photography!