Friday, September 20, 2013

Our story was featured on CNN Money!

Sorry it's been so long since I updated, but life has been busy! We've added a new four-legged addition to the Crate clan. He is the first boy to live in our house too! His name is Remington "Remi" for short, and we adopted him from the Longmont Humane Society.  He is a pitbull mix. I am super excited to have another furry baby and also a bigger dog is a fun new adventure--although it did take a couple weeks for Jennie to adjust to how dog-y he is. If you've had the privilege of meeting our other pup Berkeley, you know she is much more like her older cat sisters than a typical dog.  We've also been super busy in the full swing of wedding season. Our photography business is doing pretty well and we're continuing to grow the business. Lastly, as you've all probably seen Boulder County has had some major flooding! Luckily, our house is far enough East that we weren't affected. However, I'm currently squatting in a different office space because my office in Longmont still does not have power and the roads are closed around it. Although I haven't updated, we've still been working on the baby making project and I will try and update more frequently!

I forgot to post about this two months ago when it actually happened, but our story was featured on CNN Money in an article about Crowdfunding for adoption and fertitility treatments.  Six different couples using crowdfunding were featured and we were one of them.  You can check it out here! We were really excited to share our story and hopefully inspire other LGBTQ couples out there to possibly turn to crowdfudning to start families if they want to.

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