Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Checking In

Nothing new to update on on the baby front. We're still patiently waiting for a foster/adopt placement. We've been on "the list" to receive a placement since October 24th so we're hoping we might get a call soon to have a little one come and stay with us.  We have been doing a lot of babysitting though. I got to babysit a 4 and 5 year old brother and sister, and Jennie and I have babysat a three year old a few times and an 8 month old. At this point we've just been babysitting for friends. We did have one foster mom bring an almost 2 year old little girl over for sort of a meet and greet so that we could hopefully start doing some respite (babysitting) for them. She was sooooo cute! Jennie and I both as soon as she left were like "you can just leave her here with us forever".  We're both starting to get a bit impatient now that life has settled down and we have the time to think about life with a baby.

On another note, I did want to clarify on a statement I made in an earlier blog post. I think it was on the one year anniversary of our Indiegogo campaign that I said, "Unfortunately, it's been a year and we still don't have a baby Crate yet. I know I need to be patient and that when it's right it will happen, but it's getting harder for me with each month and with each new friend who either brings a baby into the world or announces a pregnancy."

I know that when I posted that I was in a pretty sad place and feeling frustrated about things not working out how we had planned. I think unintentionally though, I made my friends or family who were planning a pregnancy, celebrating a pregnancy, or celebrating the birth of their baby feel like they shouldn't celebrate with us or in front of us.  That is definitely NOT what we and want.  We love when we find out a good friend of ours is pregnant and seeing pictures of their new little one they brought into the world. One more baby in our lives just means one more baby we get to ooooh and aweee over and hopefully get the chance to spoil :) Yes there may be a small tinge of, honestly, probably jealously for me that it's not us, but in reality we know things will happen for us when they're meant to happen.  So I guess what I wanted to say was please, please, please continue to celebrate these exciting times in your life and share them with us. Please don't feel like you have to tiptoe around us or consider not wanting to hurt us. We will be and are so excited for you!

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